Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I write to you now not out of desperation for contact, or to let out emotional stuff. Nope. I am writing because I am bored and quite possibly the last person on Earth who has not seen the Shawshank Redemption. I have hidden this fact for quite some time, and yes, I am a film student. But who decides that you HAVE to see something to be a DECENT human being? I understand that it's a supposedly great film and wonderful and et cetera, but frankly, I have almost no interest in watching it. Prison movies aren't my bag and I don't want to conform to people's perceptions. Sure, I could possibly learn something from watching it. But as a writer and filmmaker, could I not learn just as much from some other film? I have seen other movies, ya know. I have not admitted this to many film folk out of fear of being shunned, and I don't think that fear is unfounded. Someday I'll see it, I know. But really? I think I get the point of the film. Tears, racism, voiceovers and saturation equal gold. Right?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I saw when I was like 8, and I didn't remember what it was called, so people would ask me if I'd seen it, and I'd say no. Then one day, I found out, and was kind of disappointed. It's a pretty standard prison escape movie.
    Anyway, everyone knows the Scientologists decide what movies you have to see to be a decent human being, so you're better off anyway.
