Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I am tired

of sleeping alone.

Hey Blogspot, I'm back!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

work in progress

listening to a lot of tom waits lately. i think it shows. sundance in a week, business cards today, wings challenge today, filming tonight, busytimes and school picks up soon.

I am filled with a strange sadness I cannot evade
The willow trees wail and the leaves cascade.
Town crier cries a reluctant shade.
I wish I still had that woman
I am filled with a sadness I cannot evade.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

jaws 5: fuck my life

Nothing spectacular but the coldness of the desert. Less spectacular is the fact that I did something bad to my jaw and cannot eat hard foods or 4lb hamburgers for at least a week. I never realized how much I took these babies for granted until I lost the power to mindlessly crunch away. Sob. Anywhos, working on a third draft of my play and trying to figure out how to extend the idea into a feature film to then someday *dream take to the sundance labs and later produce. I'm also working on a short film as a producer and dealing with some minor stresses with that (my anxiety over my inadequacies really comes out when I'm given such responsibility). But yeah, life is...happening I suppose. I will have to update this more often.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cholos Empericados 2

I am thankful for a lot of things, and to list them in detail wouldn't do justice to them, but to think of them at off-hours and quiet times will. And those times will be happening soon as I get ready to take off to California on one of those big jet planes. I don't have much to write about personally, but I felt like doing something for this blog. Dethklok was good. Wolfmother will be GOOD. I've been watching more movies lately and I'm glad to have made that decision. From Cholos to Cassavetes, it's been educational and even entertaining sometimes. One thing that really irked me recently was that in the final cut of this guy's senior thesis short film, my friend and I were left out of the credits. It's not like we brought people coffee or did something possibly forgettable. Nope, we production designed the fuck outta that film, spending several hours this summer scouting, lugging, and building for free. A screen credit is all we could ask for, and we didn't get it. It's infuriating, even on something as small as this, to not be recognized for your efforts. But, whatever. I can probably use what little rage this has given me to boost my writing this week. Motivation is key, and the fact that I won't have any responsibilities over the break means that I will have to compensate with something, and writing is good at filling voids. It's not great at filling in cavities however. Ahahaha, I'm still not funny. So yeah, headed to California soon, a place I will be staying at as soon as I graduate from college. I was talking to a family friend who's someone in the television industry about stuff, life in general, and she told me about a really great internship program for writers out there. This program is going to figure into my grand plan for life out of school, and it's my goal to get into it. In the meanwhile, co-piloting a script with a friend and seeing where that can take us. That's about it. To you and yours, have a great Thanksgiving.

RECOMMENDED LISTENING: King Khan and BBQ Show, GIRLS, and Islands.

Monday, November 9, 2009

A Tiny Rant

Life is ridiculous right now. Piles of assignments, a multitude of projects, and none are really things that I want to do or think will benefit me right now. I want to WRITE and damnit, these things are just getting in the way. In terms of scheduling meetings with ma awesome script-co-pilot and getting writers' block when I otherwise wouldn't, these responsibilities suck. I understand why I'm in school and what good it's doing me, but fuck man. Just fuck. I cannot wait for Thanxgiving and I cannot wait for Winter Break. I just want to relax and get work done. But for now, I will just keep on living and hopefully get past these dumby dumb hurdles. Also, the new Venture Bros. isn't online just yet and I ate some nasty Chinese food, so that could be why I'm in such a bad mood. Yeah...probably like 50% is just that. Well, adios.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I write to you now not out of desperation for contact, or to let out emotional stuff. Nope. I am writing because I am bored and quite possibly the last person on Earth who has not seen the Shawshank Redemption. I have hidden this fact for quite some time, and yes, I am a film student. But who decides that you HAVE to see something to be a DECENT human being? I understand that it's a supposedly great film and wonderful and et cetera, but frankly, I have almost no interest in watching it. Prison movies aren't my bag and I don't want to conform to people's perceptions. Sure, I could possibly learn something from watching it. But as a writer and filmmaker, could I not learn just as much from some other film? I have seen other movies, ya know. I have not admitted this to many film folk out of fear of being shunned, and I don't think that fear is unfounded. Someday I'll see it, I know. But really? I think I get the point of the film. Tears, racism, voiceovers and saturation equal gold. Right?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Reveng of the Nerds

I am writing this now because I have 10 minutes to fill before the new South Park begins and I feel an immense guilt for not posting more often. After all, who would I be if I continued to let down my large readership? How can this blog grow from having 10,000 views a day to 50,000 if I don't update it often and with a consistent quality? Well, that's a bunch of hooey and I couldn't give a fuck.
Life is very interesting and somehow I've been able to keep a level head these past few weeks. The reason I say that life is interesting is because of a sin, or vice that I recently became aware of in somebody close to me, and I am trying to figure out what to make of it. Specifically, I am trying to decide if I should keep them close to me or to let them go. Without going into details I will say that this not so supposed "secret" or "sin" is destructive and goes against my morals. But still, I have a level head. I am not rushing to anger or any real emotion in particular. A logical approach has worked thus far and yes I am straining to avoid typing a Star Trek joke. Spock was awesome. Anywho, there is that situation, some sleeplessness, and rewrites on my short film project that are taking up my time and effort. I hope the film is a success and is well received by both the film community and the gay and lesbian community. One more thing to mention is that I need to come up with a feature length idea to shoot this summer. I was approached by somebody that I trust as both a friend and filmmaker to make a feature this summer, and I really want to write something out. Since we are college students, a budget would consist of coins and our resources, though interesting, probably wouldn't be plentiful. This means I would need to write something that takes place on a small scale, but still hold people's interest. So, yeah, will be figuring that out. Thanks for reading, time for South Park.