Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What Up World?

So it's been awhile, and though I'm writing now, it will be a brief hello. The stress that was sitting peacefully on my shoulders is starting to slink and slump all over me and really weigh me down. I was asked to do something soon, so I looked ahead at my schedule and then hid under my covers like I was a kid again. If only I could sleep 10 hours a day and have my biggest worry be whether or not to gel my hair on picture day (It's never a good idea to be remembered as a tool). And I am young. I should be carefree and ruining my life right now, but for some reason I cannot. Damn that Mel Gibson "Reading" poster for making me this way. I wonder if they remade the Pagemaster, would they have the Mel Gibson poster fight the Russell Crowe "Reading" poster? Anywho, it's been a rainy day somehow and the unexpected weather has left me tired. I just wanna nap for eternity and be woken up for the important bits. Making progress on this short film, and doing some unrelated writing when I can. After watching some Hal Hartley shorts such as Ambition, and another feature of his, I've decided the man is absolutely crazy, sometimes terrible, but mostly great at what he does. And what he does is something I wouldn't mind doing: Creating surreal worlds grounded in their own unique sense of reality that still manage to strike the viewer's heart. He also makes kickass opening sequences. His timing is amazing, and I may be laughed at for liking him, but I doubt that because nobody (I think) really cares or knows about this forgotten filmmaker. I got a slew of music this week and all of it is pretty dang great. The Stone Roses self-titled album reissue, the new Dodos release, and the Wildbeasts cd are what I've received most recently. I guess now is the time in the post that I mention reality television. Yep. Finale of the Real World: Cancun is tonight and I am excited. Joey returns, people seem happy, and the possibility of a four-some feels completely possible. All in all, a great season. That's all for now.


  1. What's this screenplay I keep hearing about? Kyle and Teague were both going on about a screenplay you wrote. Is it for the film you're working on right now?

  2. Yeah that's the film I'm working on. Hope they had nice things to say.
