Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Inaugural Blog

So here it is: The Inaugural Blog on This Website.
You might think this is my attempt to join the blog bandwagon 9 years too late, but in reality it's just me falling back on the wagon. I can't guarantee that these posts will be entertaining or informative. I can't even promise there will be complete sentences or coherency of any kind. What I can say about this blog is that I will be updating it with some regularity and writing about pop culture and what projects I'm working on. Opinions will be present, and if you don't like my opinions, you simply aren't a true American. Also, as a warning, I tend to delve into a strange kind of humor that isn't very funny to most people and does not translate well into text. I think you just got acquainted with that humor. Hope it went well.
Anyhow, that's all for now. I imagine I'll post something about the Daisy of Love finale after it airs because I am most likely one of the few literate people who watch that show, my friends excluded of course. Goodbye reader. You'll be hearing from me soon.

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