Monday, July 27, 2009


I promised earlier this week to write about the finale of the VH1 super claptrap hour that is "Daisy of Love," and I will now deliver my thoughts on the episode:

It sucked. It straight up sucked.
And I think the reason has to do with the show's format. The show, like most others in the reality genre, are programs dedicated to creating and capturing dating exercises for the morally handicapped. I enjoy watching these people depraved of any logic going out to strip clubs, tattoo parlors, or dune buggy courses and generally acting a fool. The reason the finale of this show failed, and thus its entire existence failed, is because all of the competitors were guys. I don't think I'm being sexist when I say that women on reality shows create the best drama, or as they say in the biz, unbeweavable tv. Men, though braggarts and blowhards on these shows, tend to be levelheaded towards the end run of their 15 minutes of fame. The DOL finale was drama free and not entertaining at all. "Real Chance of Love?" Amazing finale. "Rock of Love: Herpes Simplex 1-9" was great fun to watch. What these shows had were crazy women unreflective of the gender they represent doing absurd things. DOL had a bunch of lunkheads fairly reflective of a gender being very boring. Maybe I'm being so harsh because I burned my fingers today making a bouquet out of watch pieces. Weird story.

In other news, I subjected myself to the experience that is "G-Force: 3D" and must say that it also sucked. I was hoping for it to be horrible enough to be memorable or offensive enough to be laughable, but instead I was treated to 90 minutes of furry mediocrity. The fact that it beat Harry Potter this week just goes to show that people love talking animals. Guinea pigs are the Golden Retrievers of today and the Cheshire Cats of tomorrow. I personally can't wait for "Sumo Sloth: 3D" to come out, featuring 4 hours of laidback thrills. Oh yeauh.


  1. You know, I'm kind of mad at myself for falling asleep during G-Force, because I feel like I can't really make fun of it, since I didn't see the whole thing. On the other hand, that was one refreshing after work nap, so I'm torn.
    Speaking of bad television, have you seen that show "Is She Really Going Out with Him?"? If not, you're not missing much, but if you have, we should discuss.
    Oh, and before I go, when's good for CD club this week?

  2. Wednesday from like 4 to 6ish is good for me. And I saw part of that show, but sadly missed out on most episodes. Sorry I left so soon after the movie. We'll have to hang out sometime soon! When I don't work or film anything, that is...:(
