Friday, August 14, 2009

A Lame Posting, or how do you love something that doesn't exist?

You make it exist, silly. And if you can't do that, you fool yourself into believing it exists. This practice is key to a strange phenomenon known as Scientology, which is not the topic of the day. Today's topic is.... the ever shortening generation gap and why I am actually a 35 year old man. Since the stone age, when old men of 24 would beat their moving meals to death with dull rocks and middle aged men of 13 would slash their dinners with sharpened objects, this gap has existed. A possible reason for this could be advances in technology and the quality of living one's used to. My grandfather's generation had wooden toys and polio growing up. My dad's had hula hoops and more vaccinations available. Because of these things, the gap was present. Technology has shifted and grown so much recently that the gaps are occurring in smaller intervals. I belong to the Myspace generation, technically, as I was a high school youth when it hit. Kids three years younger than me are part of the Twitter generation. Hey, I remember when there was only one MTV and they had music playing! The damn kids age 16 these days don't know how good we had it. And I wonder, is good taste disappearing? I grew up on Daria and shows that had some real verbal wit to them. Because of these things and other parts of my life, I seem to enjoy things that are "good" and know the difference from these "good" things and "bad" ones. Maybe it's the way your raised and what entertainment is present in your home that determines what generation you actually belong to. Maybe it's the choices you made when you were 14 that decide who you're going to be and what you're going to like and ascribe yourself to when you're older. I read The Fountainhead when I was 13. I bought my first Pavement album when I was 15. These are trendyish things that were popular or at least in fashion 15 and 66 years ago and for that and Sid Caesar and SOAP being on my television, I feel 35. I really don't know where I'm going with this anymore and to be honest, I never did know where I was headed in writing this post. I guess what I'm saying is I don't feel like I fit in with most people my age, and I kind of resent the tastes of my generation. Wow. That summed up several sentences of gooblygocked whatittude. On some side notes, District 9 was absolutely great and I might watch 4 other movies today if time abides. I will also return to the radio with The Bearded Amazon Giant show on Thursday night.


  1. District 9 was an amazing movie. I kind of want to go see it again already.
    You seem inspired by something today. Not sure what.

  2. My main inspiriation was this jive talking 15 year kid annoying the crap out of me in line. And I will admit that a recent post of yours got me thinking about the differences between people in our generation, so yeah sorry if I just copped some of that attitude and theory from ya, but that wasn't my intention at all.

  3. Haha, no worries, you didn't. It was just amusing to see something kind of similar, but I did actually think there might be an amusing anecdote behind the topic. Was it at least amusing in hindsight?

  4. The kids was more annoying than anything. What was more amusing than this annoying kid was a manchild drinking a beer in line and talking loudly about doing ecstasy.
