Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Why hello there reader. How kind of you to visit. I write now to keep away the rust. The more often I write, the better I get at it. Crazy and game-changing, I know. I'm not sure when this podcast is going to be recorded in that I work 8 hours tomorrow and leave for Illinois the day after that and I'm pretty sure that Jake will be out of town for a long time soon. Maybe we can phone it in or something to that effect. I am also pretty much done being the Art Director for a particular person's undergraduate thesis film, and am so so so glad. I was up until 4 A.M. messing around with power tools that were not powerful enough to build a safe and working door frame among other semi-complicated things. From what I've heard from that shoot which started today, the set looks very nice and is going to work out. Though I'm happy with everything for the most part, I probably will never do something like that again unless it's for a personal project. Or a movie where the items I buy and build get to explode, nay have to explode. For the safety of man and slutkind alike of course.

School is approaching quickly and I am incredibly excited for it to start. I cannot wait to see all of my friends that left town this Summer and to further along my experience at college. Some people create goals for college which they then write up colorfully onto construction paper and place on their walls, only to never complete their ambitions because they get too distracted by the glitter on their "Goals for teh Semester!!!" sign. And yes, they also make spelling mistakes cuz rilly, who needs to spell these days? I think I lost my train of thought somewhere in that mess of condescension. Oh wait, yeah, so what are my goals for this semester? To be productive and happy, and to finish writing music for what promises to be hardest short film production of my young life. I have a solid idea of where this story is headed and the tone I want to achieve visually and through dialogue. I really can't wait for it to officially start and don't know what I can do in the meantime other than obsess and stress over it.

The Fruitbats are awesome. Large breakfasts are underrated. I am tired. The Grapebats wouldn't be a terrible band name. Jon Gosselin shouldn't get so much media coverage. I couldn't starve today so I ate a foream-sized burrito from Go-Burger, which is thankfully back up and running. That really was one of the high points of my day and that doesn't mean I had a slow and uneventful day. It means their burritos are the shit. And I'm going back to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I'm out of town. I figured we'd be able to plan out the podcast and then start it when we both get back. I'm back the 18th, and any night should be fine for me.
